Aura Amethyst Cluster



141g, 4.25x2x1" *from my personal collection*

Aura Amethyst, or Rainbow Aura Amethyst, is Amethyst bonded with Platinum and Silver, sometimes Gold or other trace metals. It exhibits a light blue, rainbow and silvery iridescence like the gossamer wings of angels. It has a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood. Meditating with this crystal allows one to enter a state of serenity and peace, purification and rest, and to go beyond the body to perceive and receive help from one’s angel guides.
Amethyst is excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is used to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work.
Amethyst is very well known -- as from the ancients -- as a sobriety stone. It has been used for ages to prevent drunkenness, and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol/drugs/smoking/etc, and destructive compulsive behaviors of all kinds.
Amethyst is dedicated to the Third Eye and Crown chakras, but can aid with the Heart Chakra as well. Aura Amethyst is dedicated to aligning & working with all the body chakras.
I hand select each crystal by its' frequency; prior to shipping each stone will be cleansed with sunlight, the most recent Full Moon and smudging fresh Oregon sage.